Thursday, February 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - Live Brief Kankan Moussa Logo


Prior to launch, Kankan Moussa are looking to commission a new logo that embraces their company values which are inspired by the Kola nut, important in Mandingue culture.

Inspired by the Kola nut
  • The kola design is composed of two parts harmoniously

  • Red and white. These two colours symbolise... are required.

  • Colours that will tarnish as soon as the fruit is exposed to the elements

  • Yielding fruitful taste over time

  • Consider the myth behind the plant, the ethos of the company and the colours of the nut:
They are a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. They were used as a form of currency in such West African groups.

Dark Grey version edit:

Default coloured version:

Template email header:

Please submit a digital concept (pdf or jpeg), including examples of how the logo might be used across different formats, with a brief statement outlining how you have answered the brief.

Short statement
Consider the myth behind the plant, the ethos of the company and the colours of the nut:

I have decided to combine the iconic and visually identifiable features of the Kola plant, symbolically signifying the virtues desired in this logo design. The Kola nut, ripe from the fruit and surrounded by the Kola tree leaves and flower. 
The sour but yearning sweat taste of the exposed nut, represented in the colouring and significance,  being in the centre of the red and white layout. Combined either side with the leaves for renewal and the flower for beauty, symbolically related to the man and woman. 

This design I feel, incorporates the values desired in the logo design brief.

I have decided to combine the iconic and visually identifiable features of the Kola plant, symbolically signifying the virtues desired in this company logo design. The Kola nut, ripe from the fruit and surrounded by the Kola tree leaves and flower.
The sour but yearning sweat taste of the exposed nut, is depicted in the colouring and centre of the red and white layout. Combined with the leaves for renewal and the flower for beauty, related to the concept of man and woman. 

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