Wednesday, February 20, 2019

LAUAN603 - Weekly #4

Feedback on group presentation:

I got some great feedback and I personally really prefer the group weekly feedback, because more people speak up and I get to make plenty of notes on improving my work and what works well.

Matt suggested that I refine the main characters design, which is the Cat because he is the most animated character and has the most screen time. I will refine his character sheet so that the facial expressions more accurately portray his character, as well as producing a turnaround for his character.

It was also suggested by my peers that I had made good progress and decisions for character design, especially for the main band characters. Watching the animatic I had produced, they liked how the music track fit with the pacing of the visuals and progressed subtly as the cat introduces more characters as a plot device. 

But mainly because my style of drawing suits the noir and graphic design option I am familiar with, resolving the colouring sooner rather that later was a good decision.

Weekly goals:

Complete the suggested areas for improvement and produce some conceptual art and background design/referencing with the noir colouring.

Focus on refining the live briefs and conceptual drawings for the visual journal. 

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