Monday, March 11, 2019

LAUAN603 - Live brief Typomania

Title sequence design for twin peaks themed episodes

I am collaborating with a graphic designer, Lee Steer, to produce three episode title sequences for this competition brief:

We have decided on 'Movie title. Captions for movies, cartoons, TV series, TV programs.' Further meeting and discussing with the Graphic Designer about the themes he has in mind.

He will be researching and experimenting with some help from me, to decide the designs and animation for the three themed title sequences for each three unique episodes.

Brainstorming ideas, based on featuring Saul Bass design style as a visual influence, according to the Graphic designer, and binary oppositions, contrasting based on his experience and studies, concepts and ideas:

These are all things we considered for the project type and style that reflects the overall theme of the film series.

Lynch on Lynch by David Lynch & Chris Rodley

- Uncovering the darkness beneath the mundane.

- A threat that cannot be controlled by tangible means.

- Confusion of interior and exterior.

- Slowly unravels.

- Trees and traffic lights.

- Green to red.

- Juxtaposition of nature and man-made horrors.

- Good and evil binary oppositions.

- White and black lodge.

- Duality of man.

- Laura Palmer: "Radiant on the outside, dying on the inside" - David Lynch

- Presence and absence.

- Doppelgänger.

- Abstraction [of the] human form.

- Celebritization in a local setting.

- Bricolage of genres.

- Attempt to create a title sequence for all of these genres simultaneously.

WINDOWS as the binary opposition concept.
Paranormal, different dimensions,

Example film for researching themes:

Surrealistic themes, darkness invading the light, good invaded by bad.

Dark characters, influencing the dimensions, physical manifestation of a dark spirit

Based on these themes and concepts I will be designing some ideas based on the series:
Twin peaks was one of the first to push the boundaries, German expression, harsh angles, angular, strong contrast.

Taking ideas form reference and exploring other popular minimal openings and title sequences such as Saul Bass, which also suites the binary oppositions theme:

The window concept is the strongest concept for this Twin Peaks project we agree on, mainly for the binary oppositions of contrasting white and black, as light being invaded by the dark, shadows and textures. I am prompting to start producing the idea, rather than spend too long on idea creating, the graphic designer I am working with, so these are the final experimentation concepts.


Using Illustrator for...

Developing these concepts, this is the final design for the title sequence, we have together planned the storyboard, mostly basing it off the researched design preferences as stated with some extra typographic elements.

Final Storyboard as specified by the graphic designer collaborator:


We thought that the title sequence could use one of the songs from Angelo Badalamenti form the series. This is not a requirement in the Live Brief typomania, but based on the Twin Peaks intro theme, this fits our sequence well.

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