Thursday, February 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - Live Brief Loop De Loop - Year of the PIG elements

There are five types of Pigs, named after the Chinese elements. In order, they are: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. 

Animation over the 5 themes of characters for each element. Each transitioning to each character 'generation', elements overcoming each other through the cycle.

These categories are for each element of the Pig, they offer plenty of personality for each character design to make them more unique and accurate for the theme.

Ideas/referencing for character design:

This animation featured on the Loopdeloop website by Andrew Bowler on Tumblr was my source of inspiration for my loop, using minimal exaggerated movement and frames, but having a really good concept that works really well:

This animation was most likely drawn as a detailed picture but then added a few extra frames for movement and works really well for the overall all concept idea.

Character designs based on elements of the Zodiac Pig:

I had the idea of having a view of all the characters eating and posing in an enclosed space, sitting in a very traditional restaurant themed room, using a few frames to animate the subtle movement of my characters, just like the source of inspiration I have shown. Taking this scene form the film Spirited Away was the main idea I had for my pigs, eating a variety of Chinese food and plenty of it for the pig theme.

Here I am drawing up the foreground for the scene that will have the animated characters in the background:

Here I have fully drawn the characters and I really like their unique designs for this shot, now I am just going to animate the frames.

Colouring with nice bright reds but using plenty empty white and textured brushes on photoshop, for my minimal idea for animation.

'Each PIG element as a character, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, in a traditional Chinese restaurant setting!'

My submission was moderator approved, now I am waiting for the results of the winners, I am not sure what specifications these animations are judged on, but I am optimistic and more pleased with how it turned out in general.

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