Wednesday, February 27, 2019

LAUAN603 - Weekly #5

Feedback on group presentation:

Bach liked the hair of the synth player character design, saying it was like emo bangs!
That statement works for the retro theme I am aiming for in music genre.

It was suggested that I choose the remaining live briefs that have illustrations, for an easier and more effective workload.

I was curious about the Cats design and asked my peers if he seemed good or if anyone had suggestions. The fact that he is kind of meant to have a squashy and stretchy look to him works well apparently. My query is fine, he looks good.

Mike had a discussion with my group, me and Carla, about roles and general progress in general to see if I was on track. He seemed content at my workload, but urged I make sure to keep the Live Briefs small and efficient, as well as the animation workload.

Weekly Goals:

Having discussed with my peers about possible Live Briefs I could undertake, I am feeling more confident in my options for the 4 Live Briefs.

Produce refined colouring for the spotlights and some concept art that expresses the use of greyscale and noir dramatic colouring, characters posing with instruments, cat in the centre foreground!

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