Thursday, February 28, 2019

LAUAN603 - Live Brief Kankan Moussa Logo


Prior to launch, Kankan Moussa are looking to commission a new logo that embraces their company values which are inspired by the Kola nut, important in Mandingue culture.

Inspired by the Kola nut
  • The kola design is composed of two parts harmoniously

  • Red and white. These two colours symbolise... are required.

  • Colours that will tarnish as soon as the fruit is exposed to the elements

  • Yielding fruitful taste over time

  • Consider the myth behind the plant, the ethos of the company and the colours of the nut:
They are a religious object and sacred offering during prayers, ancestor veneration, and significant life events, such as naming ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. They were used as a form of currency in such West African groups.

Dark Grey version edit:

Default coloured version:

Template email header:

Please submit a digital concept (pdf or jpeg), including examples of how the logo might be used across different formats, with a brief statement outlining how you have answered the brief.

Short statement
Consider the myth behind the plant, the ethos of the company and the colours of the nut:

I have decided to combine the iconic and visually identifiable features of the Kola plant, symbolically signifying the virtues desired in this logo design. The Kola nut, ripe from the fruit and surrounded by the Kola tree leaves and flower. 
The sour but yearning sweat taste of the exposed nut, represented in the colouring and significance,  being in the centre of the red and white layout. Combined either side with the leaves for renewal and the flower for beauty, symbolically related to the man and woman. 

This design I feel, incorporates the values desired in the logo design brief.

I have decided to combine the iconic and visually identifiable features of the Kola plant, symbolically signifying the virtues desired in this company logo design. The Kola nut, ripe from the fruit and surrounded by the Kola tree leaves and flower.
The sour but yearning sweat taste of the exposed nut, is depicted in the colouring and centre of the red and white layout. Combined with the leaves for renewal and the flower for beauty, related to the concept of man and woman. 

LAUAN603 - Live Brief 11 Second Club - Research/Ideas

LAUAN603 - Live Brief Student Design Awards 2019 - Research - Children's Book Cover

The book 'Wonder', alternative cover designs competition:

LAUAN603 - Live Brief Loop De Loop - Year of the PIG elements

There are five types of Pigs, named after the Chinese elements. In order, they are: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. 

Animation over the 5 themes of characters for each element. Each transitioning to each character 'generation', elements overcoming each other through the cycle.

These categories are for each element of the Pig, they offer plenty of personality for each character design to make them more unique and accurate for the theme.

Ideas/referencing for character design:

This animation featured on the Loopdeloop website by Andrew Bowler on Tumblr was my source of inspiration for my loop, using minimal exaggerated movement and frames, but having a really good concept that works really well:

This animation was most likely drawn as a detailed picture but then added a few extra frames for movement and works really well for the overall all concept idea.

Character designs based on elements of the Zodiac Pig:

I had the idea of having a view of all the characters eating and posing in an enclosed space, sitting in a very traditional restaurant themed room, using a few frames to animate the subtle movement of my characters, just like the source of inspiration I have shown. Taking this scene form the film Spirited Away was the main idea I had for my pigs, eating a variety of Chinese food and plenty of it for the pig theme.

Here I am drawing up the foreground for the scene that will have the animated characters in the background:

Here I have fully drawn the characters and I really like their unique designs for this shot, now I am just going to animate the frames.

Colouring with nice bright reds but using plenty empty white and textured brushes on photoshop, for my minimal idea for animation.

'Each PIG element as a character, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, in a traditional Chinese restaurant setting!'

My submission was moderator approved, now I am waiting for the results of the winners, I am not sure what specifications these animations are judged on, but I am optimistic and more pleased with how it turned out in general.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

LAUAN603 - Weekly #5

Feedback on group presentation:

Bach liked the hair of the synth player character design, saying it was like emo bangs!
That statement works for the retro theme I am aiming for in music genre.

It was suggested that I choose the remaining live briefs that have illustrations, for an easier and more effective workload.

I was curious about the Cats design and asked my peers if he seemed good or if anyone had suggestions. The fact that he is kind of meant to have a squashy and stretchy look to him works well apparently. My query is fine, he looks good.

Mike had a discussion with my group, me and Carla, about roles and general progress in general to see if I was on track. He seemed content at my workload, but urged I make sure to keep the Live Briefs small and efficient, as well as the animation workload.

Weekly Goals:

Having discussed with my peers about possible Live Briefs I could undertake, I am feeling more confident in my options for the 4 Live Briefs.

Produce refined colouring for the spotlights and some concept art that expresses the use of greyscale and noir dramatic colouring, characters posing with instruments, cat in the centre foreground!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

LAUAN603 - Weekly #4

Feedback on group presentation:

I got some great feedback and I personally really prefer the group weekly feedback, because more people speak up and I get to make plenty of notes on improving my work and what works well.

Matt suggested that I refine the main characters design, which is the Cat because he is the most animated character and has the most screen time. I will refine his character sheet so that the facial expressions more accurately portray his character, as well as producing a turnaround for his character.

It was also suggested by my peers that I had made good progress and decisions for character design, especially for the main band characters. Watching the animatic I had produced, they liked how the music track fit with the pacing of the visuals and progressed subtly as the cat introduces more characters as a plot device. 

But mainly because my style of drawing suits the noir and graphic design option I am familiar with, resolving the colouring sooner rather that later was a good decision.

Weekly goals:

Complete the suggested areas for improvement and produce some conceptual art and background design/referencing with the noir colouring.

Focus on refining the live briefs and conceptual drawings for the visual journal. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

LAUAN603 - Experimentation - Software


I intend to choose a rough drawing brush tool for the line work in the character animation for a more dated retro look in the animation. If I am using Photoshop timeline this brush would be a good option:

I will be using photoshop for all animation other than the final show animation because it is the most time efficient at this point in time, since I am not used to using TVPaint11 yet, but I am currently practicing it.

TVPaint11 is the best option for my final show since it is a form of popular industry standard 2D animation software and I have finally been able to purchase the default edition and start practicing with it. So far it is challenging to remember the new key commands and exporting is completely different compared to Photoshop timeline animation and I am concerned the exporting may affect the quality of my animation,  so I need to practice with trial and error efficiently without losing any work.

Thankfully there is great support on the TVPaint11 website with categories to follow in steps to learn all the technicalities for this alternative software that I am not used to using. Though the steps are clearly laid out with example images included, the sentences can be challenging to quickly read since it uses a general English translation with some odd wording. Also the video tutorials, which are very helpful, can require a few replays to understand due to the accent of the speaker.

The third box indicates the Proxy state. By the way, if you preview an animation with some lag, this element will become red.

Bob is this walking cycle that is supplied by TVPaint 11 during the tutorial to test and practice using their software:

I am pleased to say I have finally figured how to export a video in TVPaint 11, after following the instructions form the video tutorial and a lot of back and forth trying to work the export options. I found out the AVI (internal) is the only viable video format that won't export as a single frame. This option also works as a format for H.264 export.

This screenshot is from further down the tutorial page that I am progressing through. I am very happy to see this feature that allows Timeline Notes in order to provide the animator with a way to add graphical annotations and notes to the animation. It is a tool to make its work easier.

I have also figured out how to implement my animatic mp4 with the audio track overlay as reference, now I can start animating my final project accurately.

The Timeline Notes is accessible in the Timeline window and looks like this in my project, and is perfect for adding in segments of lyrics for the lip-syncing animation, really focusing on the important sections of the track with the audio levels also visible, layered between the timeline notes and the timeline:

I am very excited to start experimenting with this feature on TVPaint 11, and produce some kickass animation on this new software. Something I am not used to previously using photoshop timeline undoubtedly.

LAUAN603 - Development - Character designs

Cat final design:

Bass Guitarist final design:

Synth player final design:

Drummer final design:


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

LAUAN603 - Weekly #3

Feedback on presentation:

So far my final project is on time, I should be aiming to start animating next week. I need to consider the another 2 live briefs as well as the 11 second club, and Loop De Loop.

Weekly goals:

Find another 2 live briefs, and research into them, one possibility could be a YCN brief.

Now that the final character designs are finished I need to focus on the environment and background design, which is the stage.

There is the option to collaborate with someone else to create some posters for my band, this would just be some concept art for the band posing with their instruments as an advertisement. This would be great imagery for my visual journal.

Friday, February 8, 2019

LAUAN603 - Animatic

Combining the storyboard with the refined music track for mostly timing and further production.

Feedback from, David Bunting. A Visiting professional
I had the opportunity after a storyboarding workshop to contact the professional storyboard artist and designer David Bunting, for some feedback on my animatic and my animation, viewing all my work progress, character designs and the whole project in general:

What Bunting thought works really well:

'Production of this storyboard is fine, it’s more just painted, painterly, plus perspective grit'

'Pacing does reflecting the music nicely'

'Concept, storyboard, lighting plot conception really works in these shots'

Nice introduction to that character , synth player,
Snare, Drums,

The way with the cat, spirit of the music, almost like introducing the character and instrument before they are playing, it’s motivationting the music,

Milk it out out, sprawling out, bass guitar

Looking at my character design drawings,

'Cat, ‘line of action’, follow through works really well here, you just need to practice applying that to the animation. Read Drawn to life, by Walt Stanchfield!'

Areas to improve and work on:

'Twice as many shots, use more extreme wide angle'

Character passed always work to perspective pass, follow through undermine the backgrounds, be aware of perspective grid, really good to draw perspective grid.
More extreme, fish eye lens inspired,

Nice Stream lined, arch's for a cat in particular, now just apply it in the animation!

Bunting sketched an alternative view for this shot in-particular, as an example of using more accurate perspectives:

Bunting: 'Perspective isn’t working, here's an example sketch'

More panels, something quick like a leap, either twos or ones, not just 12fps,
Animation production,

Make a schedule on excel!
How many shots as sections of how challenging the animation is, like for example, A B C, Hard to easy, weight them accordingly! You need a15% contingency plan.

Implementing the perspective grid in your final animation, this is very important!

Toying with wide screen, maintaining wide screen, not cheating it, 3point perspective, marvel comics is great research for this.

A spiral staircase for example, the perspective doesn’t change, the centre of that is in deep perspective in layout, not drowning, stop eye balling it, and guessing the perspective, it won't work no matter how good you are at drawing.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

LAUAN603 - Music Video Script

Notes form Mike's feedback on Script:

  • Timing, be specific on music video sections, the cat is the accidental musician- fits with music, not just making random sound effects.
  • Solidify the timing of sections of the track with the storyboard and a draft animatic, ready for Alex's collaboration for his refined animatic and storyboard.

Because I am doing a music video, the timing is essential, for all sections of the script, more than I originally thought. Two animatics, one rough and one refined will help specifics for the whole of production. Once this has been established, the rest of the production should be effectively quick to complete.

SCRIPT: (each sentence is a separate shot)


Scene 1:

Shot 1: 00:00
Cat: (Title screen is the centre of shot in the background, behind the stage ‘The Black Cat’ band name with logo) 

Shot 2: 00:07 - 00:11 - 00:14 -
*Cat jumps on stage in foreground and begins walking under silhouetted tall propped up guitar and microphone, on stands high above Cat, title screen and logo overhead* (Similar to the outro, the intro starts with a fade in, using a black and white desaturation effect into colour).

**The sound of smart shoes shuffling about in the background darkness, behind the stage**

Shot 2: 00:17
*Spotlight suddenly turns on lighting up the cats position with the guitar and mic*

Shot 3: 00:18
Cat: *Jumps to the back, heading for the drum set for cover form the bright (coloured) light

Shot 4: 00:21
Cat: (1st person perspective) *Hiding amongst the drum set watching the Silhouette of the singer in the (coloured) spotlight, the light glows off the guitar and characters outfit (lines slightly blurred from colouring to emphasise the brightness)

Singer/guitarist: *approaches the guitar and mic to start singing playing the track and singing the lyrics*

**the sound of a mic ringing**

**the sound of a guitar plug-in**

Scene 2:

Shot 5: 00:28
Cat: (3rd person perspective view of cat) *Hiding under the drum set, the cat expresses a look of confidence with his default sly facial expression, enjoying the music, maybe moving to the sound a little.

Shot 6: 00:38
Cat: (camera enhances on cats face to express his facial expression of surprise/shock) *Suddenly looks up in surprise as another spotlight hits his position.

**Drum set cymbals sound**

Shot 7: 00:44
Drummer: (fisheye lense looking up at the big silhouette of this large drummer character) *Sitting behind the cat at the drum set*

Shot 8: 00:49
Cat: (Shot zooms out to view the two currently introduced characters, the singer/guitarist and the drummer on the first half of the stage) *Realises there is someone behind him and is shocked at the size of the drummer character and runs away from the drum set* 

Shot 9: 00:55
(Both band characters in the shot and playing their parts of the track at this point as the cat runs off screen to the right side of the stage. As a plot device, the cat is running away to introduce more characters on the second half of the stage).

Shot 10: 01:01
Cat: *Jumps up on long looking abstract keyboard synthesiser, walks slyly again, pressing neon looking colourful setting keys, and jumping hesitantly at the sound effects each time.

Shot 11: 01:03
**Cat plays some odd keys matching the music, and is brushed off by band member**

Shot 12: 01:09
Again, another spotlight lights up the keyboard with the cat on top.
Cat: (Shot zooms out to show the surroundings in the light) *Jumps in surprise*

Keyboardist/Synthist female character: *Hand reaches down after cat to play synth.

Shot 13: 01:14
Band shot

**Plays the Synth keys**

Scene 3:

Shot 14: 01:19
Cat: (low ground shot facing up at the edge of the keyboard as the cat jumps down towards the camera, camera transitions into black form the cat).

Shot 15: 01:23
*Lands onto a Bass guitar, unintentionally strumming the bass strings*

**Low Bass string sounds**

Shot 16: 01:26
Cat: (audience 1st person perspective of the cat looking at another guitarist reaching down towards the camera shot/cat) *Does not react, looking suddenly confident not jumpy*

Shot 17: 01:28
Bass guitarist: (camera transitions into the guitarists 1st person view) *Looking down at cat and reaching his hand to pet the back of the cat’s neck*

Cat: (the 1st person perspective of the guitarists face) *Squinting cat facing onto the shot, looking comfortable in this characters presence instead of running away*

Shot 18: 01:32
Cat: (Still in the guitarists 1st person perspective) *Gets distracted from being pet, watching the hand moving to pick up the bass guitar instead*

Shot 19: 01:33
Cat: (Jumping off the bass guitar in surprise, as it is suddenly picked up and played by the guitarist).


Shot 20: 01:36
(Camera zooms out further to show all characters playing their song, cat jumping off stage similar to how he entered the stage).

Shot 21: 01:38
*Lights all change colour to white and dip low, showing a darker stage and silhouetted characters, but the screen at the back with the logo starts glowing, showing the cat head logo*

Shot 22: 01:40
(Camera Zooms towards the main singer, similar to previously, showing the first half of the stage with drummer and synth characters). *One of the spotlights dipped low at the back, moves to focuses on the singer in the same shot*

Shot 23: 01:44
Singer/guitarist: (Zooms in on singer, low shot fisheye inspired abstract view, slowly rotating while the character plays) *Singer strumming and expressing nerdy characteristics through facial expressions and head pounding with his bowl cut, drummer playing in background).

Shot 24: 01:47
Drummer: (Shot switches to drummer playing his disco drums) *Firm shoulders while drumming, head looking ahead while bobbing to the beat*

End Scene 5:

Shot 25: 01:54
(lights flash to transition the scene, zooming out from the drummer, showing all the band characters, another flash transitions again moving up into the rafters of the stag framing on the left side.

Shot 26: 01:59
Cat: (Final shot, zooming further out, from high above the stage looking down at the band, birds eye view form the left side, drawn out perspective, metal framing visible becoming the foreground) *The cat is slowly walking in the foreground on the framework of the lighting, looking down sternly below at the band*

Shot 27: 02:01
(Final shot, lights fading to black, the coloured spotlights fading and the shadows growing around the silhouette of the cats head, similar to the logo behind the stage).
