Thursday, March 21, 2019

LAUAN603 - Weekly #8

Feedback on presentation:

I need to work on my animation, the whole project needs to focus on the animation now. Mainly because vital post production elements need to be experienced with for the final lighting effects and colouring.

Continuing to talk about my previous weekly group suggestions on keeping the colour to a noir black and white, is was suggested I use greyscale more and that the spotlights could even have colouring, like I originally planned but with minimal effects. Meaning the lights would not be low opacity but solid colouring, reflecting off the edges and parts of the characters and stage in the background in a graphical way. I will need to produce some more experimentation for this colouring style.

Weekly goal:

Finish half the roughs

I need to apply the expert feedback from David Bunting for my shots in the animation, using a grid for the whole perspective.

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