Thursday, March 21, 2019

LAUAN603 - Animating - Cat referencing/Animation

Based on my black cat character design, I am using this video as reference material to capture more feline movement in my animation:

Shot 1: 00:00
Cat: (Title screen is the centre of shot in the background, behind the stage ‘The Black Cat’ band name with logo) 

Shot 2: 00:07 - 00:11 - 00:14 -
*Cat jumps on stage in foreground and begins walking under silhouetted tall propped up guitar and microphone, on stands high above Cat, title screen and logo overhead* (Similar to the outro, the intro starts with a fade in, using a black and white desaturation effect into colour).

Based on my cat characters animated turnaround, I can confidently replicate his design with accurate feline movement and action.

Here is a quick preview of some rough animation of my black cat, focusing on the joints and the way a cats feet would move as my character, this animation has yet to be refined, but I am confident with the way it looks so far:

Here are some rough key frames for my walking sly cat, these are poses that I have drawn ahead of the walk cycle to key frame the rest of the animation. These poses are based on the referencing cat video:

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