Friday, March 16, 2018

LAUAN501 - Study Task 6 - Main Body 2: Case Studies of Practice (850 words approx)

Main Body 2: Case Studies of Practice (850 words approx) 

In this section you will apply your theoretical research, models of thought, concepts, ideas to examples you have collected of art practice, objects, phenomena, events (things you feel exemplify your research theme). This is called a Case Study approach – the aim is to show how individual works can be held as exemplars of a wider cultural tendency, problem, attitude, prejudice, and so forth. This approach is also useful as it allows you to evidence skills in visual analysis, which is good evidence for most of the module ILO’s, but easier for some visual arts students than textual analysis.

  • You can choose a number of works by the same practitioner, or different works by different practitioners. However, you must explicitly explain the relevance of all of the works cited to your central research question or questions, and your chosen research methods (practical and textual).
  • Descriptive Analysis: describe the image / example focussing on details you feel are important. This will help with your later interpretation.
  • Application of theoretical research and contextual information to back up your interpretations of your chosen works, use quotes / citations to back up your own ideas.
  • Use Harvard Referencing throughout. 
  • Try to use a mixture of paraphrasing, author/date citations, and short quotes (try to avoid long quotes).

Jacques Ellul - Author of the technological society, 1965, PROPAGANDA - The formations of men's attitudes, East Lansing Michigan, Knopf, pages 38-39.
“We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised”
The antagonist oppresses the protagonist and manipulates uses them against their will as a society under a controversial government, as seen in the animated 1954 film Animal Farm.

George Orwell's, 1945 book Animal Farm, substitutes humans for animals and the concepts of communism, satirically shown on a farm showing the and the manipulation and misuse of political ideology and power in a communistic society. Detailing the suffering and injustice, based from a historical point of view, of political uproar from betrayal, the Russian Revolution and aftermath of the tyrannical figure of Joseph Stalin. 

These similarities under Stalin’s dictatorship and seen in Nazi Germany when communism birthed an evil of a government into regime, controlling, manipulating and executing the population for control.

This is a main concept in collected examples of messages and meanings, the principles of culture and the acceptable community not opposed by any political indifferences in society. Showing how socially, communities can be oppressed from cultural regulations and leaders. The political themes are based of exile, survival, heroism, leadership, political responsibility, and the 'making of a hero from a community under oppression.
The formation of trends and the attitudes of the people in society are governed by the authority of power, they are responsible for the images we see, the materialistic goods we possess and the consumerism of items and goods that are considered of high value and meaning. “What Shall We Do Now?” Pink Floyd, Roger Waters 1979 music video. Showing a decay into greed, Pink experiences a need to fill an imagined hole in his being with materialistic things, following society in trends of invalidating community and defining a person’s being by what materialistic items they possess.

Disproving and judging of a consumer culture run rampant as well as an attack against the notion that a person should be defined by what he owns and what social trends he hollowly maintains. Pink wondering how he should fill the final gaps in his wall, a number of modern day vices and other things that keep us from truly connecting with others and ourselves are listed.

Juliet B. Schor, 2000, The Consumer Society Reader, New York, New Press, Pages 190-191.
“Consumption is a social relationship, the dominant relationship in our society—one that makes it harder and harder for people to hold together, to create community.”
Society bases its self-worth and conformity with material goods, a community never satisfied, needing more acceptance for self-assertion. Mistakenly believing through possessions and valued livelihoods, that we are acceptable, taking community into a more oppressed society than that of free will and individuality based on being.

Bret Urick, 2016, (online page) What Shall We Do Now? - The Wall Analysis, "Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': A Complete Analysis" Available at:,(Accessed)19.03.18. 'True to the undercurrent of previous songs like “Another Brick in the Wall, Part II,” this attempt at individuality (in this case, materialistic/consumerist individuality) is only achieved through conformity to commercialised social norms. Abandoning your personal idea of self for the one that a collective media says you should be only leads to further dissatisfaction, cycling back into newfound obsessions, new trends, and new, pointless minutiae to govern your life and define who you are.'

Edward L. Bernays, 1928, Propaganda, California, H. Liveright, Page 37-38
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.”

Juliet B. Schor, 2000, The Consumer Society Reader, New York, New Press, page 59.
"It is from the (theoretically isolatable) moment when the exchange is no longer purely transitive, when the object (the material of exchange) is immediately presented as such, that it is reified into a sign."
"The sign object is neither given nor exchanged: it is appropriated, withheld and manipulated by individual subjects as a sign, that is, as coded difference."
What I have gathered from this text is that products or, material, is signified as a currency for a government value a currency formed in capitalism as mass production for a consumer driven society, valuing individualism at none. Politics in consumerism, as a means of control over a society. A social and economic order and ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in mass production, planned obsolescence and advertising to increase consumer spending.
Juliet B. Schor, 2000, The Consumer Society Reader, New York, New Press, page 59.
“Our civilization is first and foremost a civilization of means; in the reality of modern life, the means, it would seem, are more important than the ends. Any other assessment of the situation is mere idealism.”
Vulnerable to manipulation as a society, the economy in our age, controls the population and feeds them material goods, exchanging everything for personal gain, but overall becoming a lesser being, a victim of consumerism and its influence on community, destroying anything good and diminishing moral values.

(cut reserved text)

Conveying about society and community reacting against the political state of mind and creating a demonstration of each, of the most controversial aspects of politics such as capital punishment, bias, unfair law and order, and corrupt government trails for justice.

Communism is meant to be a society where all people are equal, yet the revolution of the Russians results in certain people having more power over others, but those people are the same kind of tyrants.

Emphasising in some techniques a limit of paint as a medium to express the horrible sensations and experiences in war.

... Most importantly, the steps taken to avoid such a controversy in a political society, such as the nazi regime.

Themes, concepts, and ideals communicated in British politics through animation and cartoons in relation to economics, propaganda, and socialism. Concepts/Research:

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