Tuesday, March 6, 2018

LAUAN504 Task 2 - Competition - Character Development

Character Development

when we refined our character illustrations and concept art ideas, as a group we developed them and produced these character designs. Billy and Katie character designs:

Bach Do's Billy character concept art

I have found out that the process of designing a character isn't as simple as thinking of a fluent and attractive concept of drawings. Beginning with shapes that express the characteristics of the character is something I had an idea about, but never actually used to a noticeable point, because I feel that over exaggerating the design is too comical and feels childish.
But this book explained how shapes are apparent in every form of life and nature, therefore designing with shapes to me is something I am looking into more for this project.

Bach's artwork, a character reference sheet for Billy (top) and Katie (bottom) - T Pose

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