Thursday, March 15, 2018

LAUAN501 - Study Task 8 - Reflective Writing/Conclusion

Studio Brief 2 - Theory into Practice Reflective writing

(scan and upload reflective sheet copy)

Researching related themes and animated clips for experimentation, I found that certain media could portray the meaning and expression behind the chosen concept. Researching Pink Floyd the Wall I found strong graphic imagery depicting the education system and society at the time, showing the suppression of imagination and creativity, forming the community with strict mentors, expressing the suffering, humiliation and oppression through strong graphic media. Taking the concept of Teacher and concerning it with socialism and oppression of freedom to be an individual, a tyrant in a system molding the minds of children to become 'just another brick in the wall'.

Strong imagery of drained bodies represent the excruciating oppressing, bleeding heavy media such as inks and bold lines and shapes, expressing the forms of said teachers and other characters in 'Pinks' plot, the main antagonist in Pink Floyd the Wall.
The destruction of community by a molded society, represented in the form of a wall, created from blended students in a press.
Gerald Scarfe's art best represents these abstract and surrealist concepts, over exaggerating the characters to an obscene point, showing their ugliness, exposing their true faces to the world expressing the true monsters within and the obscenity of their own existence with plenty of graphic body parts representing the affect they have on society. Spewing dirt and feces, raining down on the community.

Drawing these images and expressionist themes with reference to Gerald Scarfe's work on Pink Floyd the Wall, bleeding inks and drawing characters with these features, experimenting with paints and inks, the flowing effect represented explosive anger and oppression. Children being formed into bricks to unwillingly serve a oppressed society, suffering from the recent war, unable to rebuild their community with inspiration or freedom, only from breaking down into metaphoric material to feed a wall of division, destroying anything beautiful or natural, reducing freedom into an abstract concept itself.

Conclusion (rough)
Technology and consumerism is a form of power, we perceive social development as we are surrounded by it, until it impacts our lives and being. As individuals we can never use it as a part of ourselves, human beings are too complicated and diverse to see technology in the same way or ideology. What is someones distain is another persons strength and power. We perceive technology differently and as individuals we cannot believe that it can ever be apart of ourselves, it is something without conscience or soul, originating from each others creator. It is our creation but obsessing over its beauty will drive us to no end or insanity. It has no moral value and can only serve a purpose to exist in our lives as we choose. Without technology we can only develop our society slower, but development is a past time even in our lives as a community, what we seek has passed in technology, it is a never ending cycle to become more efficient than the other counterpart, to be brilliant and intelligent.

Technology is government and politics controlling society like a machine for war, driving forward in the darkness, a form of reality and destruction of dreams, belief in individuality and community.

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