Thursday, March 15, 2018

LAUAN504 Task 2 - Competition - Audio Designing

Picking and choosing audio effects.

Using Premier Pro, I downloaded many audio files and edited them into the animation where they worked best. As a group we decided that because this animation was mainly aimed at being an introduction into a series, type animation. That there wouldn't be as many movement or character sound effects, but mostly a theme tune over the majority of the animation.

This theme music is more a action sequence sound track, meant for fast pacing and chase montaging.

Above is our audio test 2, awaiting for group feedback on it...

Final Audio design - We have decided that the less background sound effects the better, because we are going for more an Intro into this cartoon series concept, we are only featuring the sound effects at the beginning. Then for the rest of the duration, will be a theme tune beginning at the start of the action montage scenes, then at the end with the resolution and logo scenes.

Personally I preferred to have more sound effects underneath the overall theme tune for added detail and action. But I agree that this was more a focussed Intro type animation, only needing to consist of a few audio files and mostly theme music.

Here I am searching for sound effects on the website, that supplies community made sound effects and recordings. Most of these have quite a lot of

Assigning a variety of sound effects to the table in Premier Pro, using the highest quality sound effects I could find that suited the action, with limited background noise or static sound, many files have poor audio quality on

The background action sound effect was from for royalty free music recordings.

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