Sunday, March 18, 2018

LAUAN501 - Study Task 6 - Introduction (250 - 300 words approx)

Clearly state the overarching research question of the project. This should be formulated as an answerable question or assertion.

Introduction (250 - 300 words approx) 

My proto question

'How are British politics represented through animation and cartoons?'

I researched through British media, film, and video for political themed animated film, cartoons and publications for political context. Finding material that could be related to the theme and question, form historical to contemporary political issues in society. I found that most of the animated political material had been centred around the controversy of World War 2 and post war on society.

This is an important area to study in my opinion, because it will benefit my political understanding of techniques and processes in animation. Most historical animation was influenced by war to educate on the shocking developments of corruption in politics and regime for control over society.
Using many diverse and different techniques to translate a message on war and politics, featuring symbolism and graphic expressionist imagery, but mostly surrealism because it carries more shock value in the visuals and conveys more emotion through disturbing imagery and concepts of suffering in war.

Texts that relate to modern political issues about consumerism and its control over society, Juliet B. Schor, 2000, The Consumer Society Reader.  Describing how we see fit to fall into a system of constant manipulation and influence from the higher ruling powers in politics and business, we are subject to our social patterns and processes of the masses. Edward L. Bernays, 1928, Propaganda. Through war historically, the concept that we are changed by society and the ruling men, that corruption takes different more contempt forms, portrayed in our minds to serve society and to change, mould, and be controlled. Jacques Ellul, 1965, PROPAGANDA - The formations of men's attitudes.

In relation to animated films, Animal Farm from 1954, awareness using satire about the corruption in dictatorship, as a character, 'Napoleon' the pig, the main protagonist imitating Stalin’s communist dictatorship. Pink Floyd the Wall from 1982, describing the suffering of the character 'Pink' in a relative consumerist society but also notably, strong graphic imagery depicted of a fictitious Nazi communist relativity, in a post war historical period. From the effects of abandonment and a similar tyrannical leadership of controlling, manipulating, and moulding of community by teachers.

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