Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Weekly Presentation Final stages


This animation is almost finished, it was only the last part that needed some more editing because of some missing backgrounds. 

The backgrounds are very detailed compared to the animatic because we planned on creating more texture and detail so that the fox would standout more and the environments seemed more dramatic and immersive for the audience. The drawings and outlines also create a cartoony style but also a dramatic boldness that makes the animation seem more real and serious with a kind of grimy feeling around the caged animals and the warehouse they are in. 
The end scene uses less outlining so the colour and texture becomes stronger but most of all the darkness in tonnage and shading, the fox has deep texture on his naked body as this scary fantasy section creeps in, for a more graphic ending that conveys the seriousness of the anti-fur campaign and the message it carries.

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