Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Final animation Evaluation



This animation is based through the experiences of a fox who is captured and transported from his natural inhabit into a warehouse alongside other captured animals, this is a short experience of what the fur trade is like as a furry animal.

I feel that as a group we have successfully conveyed the anti-fur awareness message through our three sections of combined animation.
The first scene is the best because it sets up the audience in a nice comforting cartoon intro, the colours are a nice mellow opacity and the sounds are calm rustling of the forest floor as the fox runs and jumps across the scene. This type of scenario was best suited towards one of our group and her fox style design is also well suited for this part.

There is constant change around the fox in the second part, having been literally thrown into the warehouse, he is starting to realise where he is, looking around confused, trying to find himself in this loud world. This pacing and character trait is something that I think works really well, given this is a serious anti-fur campaign animation describing the vulnerability of animals and how they are subject to this treatment in my part.

The animation progresses to become more dark and figurative in the final part, exposing the dreadful outcome of the fur trade and the conditions that these animals are held captive, realizing that this animation is a cartoon representation of real animals in torment and that the animals have a disturbing fate serving in the fur trade.

Evaluating my preparatory work 

We researched our individual parts and all the stuff that related, the fox and the hound, animated film was a large inspiration on fox characteristics and design. Other anti-fur advertisements videos helped with the plot of our animation and how to approach the subject of suffering animals, also fur trade advertisements and fur coats. I feel that as a group we had done sufficient research and produced good ideas that had strong relevance to the overarching assignment topic.

We have experimented and developed our ideas as a group well, by producing first the research then sharing and experimental concept art of the characters and environments. We discussed how certain aspects worked really well, like how this short animated story is based on a fox and his experience, first hand of the fur industry.

Our work changed through the project as we tried different ideas and approaches on the subject of the fur industry, using our research and decided against using voice recordings like some awareness campaigns, and instead use dramatic typography at the end. 

Most of all, I have developed my group work skills and learnt to produce good ideas, techniques and opinions to suggest to the group but most of all listen to other teammates and their input.

I feel that we have explored all aspects of our studies for this project and overall I am happy with the overall process of production for this assignment, the research could have been extended more on perhaps but personally, but we had all the necessary resourced material, so I am glad with how it turned out.

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