Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Maya truck 

1: Keep On Truckin' - follow and complete the truck tutorial guide in order to begin to develop your understanding of the tools, the processes and the workflow in a 3D modelling and animation software package.

During this exercise I learned about certain tools but most importantly how to find and apply them, special tools have more required uses like for example the 'bridge tool', which is mostly used to link two faces with an arc of extruded shape, but other tools are meant for structuring the chosen shape and are easily accessible through the mouse right-click options. 

I have also learnt about how to approach certain tasks for modelling objects and the process of building a model and using techniques for more affecting designing for simple shapes. For example, some polygons have more modelling options than others, cubes can be constructed more easily into circular or rounded shapes using the lined edges and faces, rather than the sphere polygon because of the structuring and face layout. Key commands and shortcuts are becoming easier to learn with practice and enable many things like duplication, there's also the grouping of objects, like the mating system of CAD software which i'm familiar with but using the outliner option I feel is easier with grouping. 

I have practiced the techniques of designing basic shapes like the truck and cup, so i will find it easy to construct similar shapes in the future, duplicating and grouping with basic layout. One thing I struggled with was the scaling, moving and aligning of shapes together along certain axis, because I wasn't sure about all the key commands and options of the, z, y and x axises and how to secure the axis and keep shapes aligned together. I used the tutorial to select the outer lined grid and keys to structure the axis better.

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