Thursday, May 18, 2017

Weekly Development

Overlaying finished foregrounds and backgrounds

This is an example of the development process, the fox is the most attractive element in the picture and then the background is second, the timing of the animation allows the audience to view the background detail because of the pacing while the movement of the fox focuses there attention to the main animated parts.  

This character as a basic cartoon fox creates more interest because the style seems friendly and the final part is more unexpected, this is a common trend in other anti-fur campaign awareness adverts, to create a false sense of security then suddenly become dark and scary.

The first part of the development, once the outlines had been drawn and animated successfully, was to colour the main character in his simple sectioned bold colours.

Overlaying the coloured character with the foreground and background environmental drawings was the most challenging part of the animation because of how the fox would interact with them, this was done with the enhancing shots of the fox's face in the cage, which created a more close up and trapped feeling with the cage bars in-between. 

The cage was the only section of the environment the fox interacted with but this cage was also a vantage point for the fox to view the surrounding environment, setting the scene for the audience by switching to the fox's first person view and realising the contents of the background.

Adding the foreground first, taking previously used drawings so that the next scene had similar elements and maintained the same features.

Adding the final parts to the animation was refining and completing the background with shading, tonnage in the drawings, and combining drawings for a more affective backdrop for close up on the character. 

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