Tuesday, January 23, 2018

LAUAN501 - Study task 7 - Visual Journal - Secondary research

Studio Brief 2 - Theory into Practice Secondary research
Draw, photograph, record and develop my own visual material through the following activities:

Imagery for researching further into the drawings and application of media for conveying the message and the production of animation for the chosen proto question. 'How British politics are represented through animation and cartoons?'

Media options and graphic design, referencing concept art from Pink Floyd and Animal Farm.

Animal farm animation

Cartoons that are portraying political leaders or political motives through anthropomorphic characters and animals to represent the themes and messages about the impact on a society.

Colour and media express more emotion and meaning, especially with the application of traditional media in the practical journal, this image has a strong concept behind it, the red could represent suffering and blood, the white pig standing on two legs represents an evil corruption through unnatural sentience, applying a conscience to a pig. How would a pig think? Why does it represent corruption and greed? These are all good examples as to why the pig symbolises an illness in wealth and a sickness in mortality in my opinion.

The Black Eagle, Goodbye Blue Sky, Pink Floyd the Wall.

A Black Nazi eagle (Reichsadler) tearing up the lands and leaving trails of blood and gore.

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