Tuesday, January 16, 2018

LAUAN503 - Post Production - Final animation and Audio (Weekly blogs 2)

Post Production - Generate your final video sequence, including any visual effects and complete with audio.

Visual effects and Audio

Audio was my job in this group

Using the 'Freesound.org' website for plagiarism free and community produced audio sound effects for each, environmental, character or background (sound tune for tension) music, footsteps and effects like fire and the magic spells.

It was relatively easy to search for the best quality audio for the specific sound that was required for the finished animation, although some sounds were harder to find such as a rat scuttling and scratching, so I used a technique that I had learned in 1st year. That was to improvise with other sound effects, usually by combining them together and creating a new sound from it. Representing other sounds with different sound effects is relatively easy if you imagine what sounds share similar qualities and frequencies.
Diegetic sound is a noise which has a source on-screen. They are noises which have not been edited in, for example dialogue between characters or footsteps. Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound.

Audio research/notes
Non-diegetic sound is a noise which does not have a source on-screen, they have been added in. For example music, voiceover, sound effects.

Think about:

Where is is set?

When is it set?

Who is in it?

What’s happening?

Mood and tone?

Visual style?

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