Tuesday, January 16, 2018

LAUAN503 - Study Task 4 - Talk This Way

Study Task 4 - Talk This Way

'The lip sync is an important part of any animation that contains dialogue'

Creating the drawings for the lip-sync frames was interesting because I had to experiment with what mouth conveyed the most emotion or expression, using photoshop, I digitally drew the lips, tongue and teeth with detail and features that could show more exaggeration in expression such as grin lines and other facial expression lines.

Listening to the audio file was interesting and matching each frame 'phoneme pose' shape to the track, this was defiantly my favourite study task because of how surreal the mouths seemed when matched successfully with the audio clip and how that showing expression through animation constantly amazes me. This, I feel is defiantly a fundamental skill for myself to look into personally.

On a technical side I feel that with using this 'phoneme pose' sheet I can in the future create my own lip-synced animation, using this for reference, as well as using some of Richard Williams' original mouth poses drawings.

Preston Blair phoneme series, 
Researching the contemporary phoneme pose shapes.
'Each pose is setup entirely with muscle level control point changes, no bones involved. The top set of teeth stay in a fixed location for all poses, this locks the upper jaw to the characters skull. If you don't, you'll end up with a set of false teeth...
...depending on the feature set of your chosen software, a beneficial technique can be to create a low level set of poses relating to the underlying muscle movement of a face.'

I researched about the 'Preston Blair Phoneme series' to find out about the mouth design, I found out to add some asymmetry, which means to avoid having parts that are the same, or similar features in each face. In other words, to have each mouth expression uniquely drawn for more personality.

The images here are devoid of personality so as to show each phoneme clearly. This is a bad thing for a real dialogue performance, so make sure you liven up your characters with asymmetrical expressions so I have decided to add detail in my digital line drawings of each mouth.

Drawing the mouth frames in Photoshop

After Effects work screenshots
I chose to give the 'phoneme pose shapes' some detail and colour them to look like a goblin since the main project features Gobbs the Goblin.

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