Saturday, February 4, 2017



The music gets the humorous point across, but it is suggested that I mute it out towards the end when the animation reaches a certain point, for example when the dragon starts the accidentally breaking stuff to add a more of a dramatic scenario.
I agreed with this point and will probably apply it in the end, but I explained that the music played throughout the animation because it made the overall feeling more ridiculous with each scene, which was the aim based on Slapstick humour.

Someone said that this would look really nice with well illustrated and coloured backgrounds with bold, untextured character colouring so that they maintain the comical or cartoony design. 
I agree with this point and explained that there would be detail but not too much so that it overrides the character drawings, done with bold, blocked colouring as suggested.

I received feedback about the hair style of the woman character in my animation, explaining how it changes and if its a good idea to have it fall loose at the end. They said that the shape of the hair bun sometimes changed shape from round to curved and 'pointy', saying how it was noticeable as the audience becomes more used to this character and her features. I should try to maintain character design throughout my animation.

People agree that they liked the character characteristics and expressions, as they experience different scenarios. The liked how characters have different reactions and act in a unique way which matches their personalities, on the point of personalities, I received feedback that the personalities made it more humorous and the helps to understand the plot points.

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