Saturday, February 4, 2017


Comparing comedy in cartoons in relation to their audiences.

Old school humour:
This type is more based on conversation between characters with their experience, attitudes and the environment, a more cheerful approach to any scenario seeing the ridiculous and mischievous side to normal events. Traditional humour can be referred to as satire, the irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. 

Modern humour:
Taking the same scenario but humour has changed these same points in satire and turned it into sarcasm overtime, not so much focused on events based on stupidity and exaggerated actions but more witty gestures and meaningful expressions. Not focusing on any particular issues or politics but instead creating the context through mostly discussion and/or the environment.

Comedy has changed as taboos have changed. The public perception of issues has changed what comedians are allowed to joke about, but also what people actually find funny.

The biggest changes came about in the 1960's.  The man most responsible for it was Mort Sahl.  All comedy before involved the telling of short jokes making fun of topics such as marriage, dating, stupidity, ugliness, politicians, sales people, and so on. Mort introduced thoughtful commentary on any number of current topics.  He typically carried a newspaper with him and read from it to set up his material.  His style demanded a certain level of literacy and intelligence.  

Another influence was Lenny Bruce but Prior to that most humour, especially on TV was clean, Lenny talked about subjects and used language that was considered obscene and now it's now called adult humour, probably because it's so popular in Jr. High School.  He was also coached by Mort Sahl to use a more interactive commentary style.

My style of humour:

Animation is best when someone of any age can enjoy it, and the best way to achieve that is by mixing intelligence with humour, adapting to what is acceptable and I feel that now is the most intelligent age of humorous kids cartoons because of how witty they are and how the writers can use jokes they find funny for an adult audience and use puns and twists to create a version children can be humoured by with knowledge being the mature filter.

That is why I have chosen Slapstick Comedy, throughout this animation there will be a series of accidents because of the dragons size in a human restaurant like the metaphor, bull in a china shop, meaning that disaster is inevitable despite the dragons attempts to maintain composure and fit in with the restaurant. I had the opportunity to use several more metaphors and a figures of speech like addressing the 'elephant in the room' type similes. 

The are good ideas because of how different the humour can be interpreted, it could also be Parody humour because of how over exaggerated the woman character is when reacting to the dragons mistakes, almost like she enjoys putting him under pressure by shouting at him every time. 

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