Friday, April 27, 2018

LAUAN504 Study Task 3 - Documentary - Animatic and scenes

LAUAN504 Study Task 3 - Animatic and scenes

We have allocated roles in animating scenes between us and discussed who would be more productive and enjoy certain parts, organising who does what fairly.

The backgrounds will be done between me and Eloise as specified on the animatic clip above.

As a group we are discussing what works well in the animatic, and what we could change in the animating. I am describing the scenes that I am animating below and any changes we are making in the final animation.

Scene 2.5 'Flashback bank robbery' 
The trickiest part was how we would decide how to animate the part when the camera shot shows Moonlite kicking down the banks door and then transitioning by zooming in and over Moonlite's shoulder showing him aiming his gun at the banker.

We discussed that we could zoom in on Moonlights head and rotate around that before showing his field of view in front of him.

The problem was that if we showed all the backgrounds around Moonlite as the camera rotates, they would be too challenging to animate because the background as a variety of colouring and depth in the environment.

We decided that the camera would zoom on Moonlite's head but also use motion lines and blur the background as it rotates around. This works well because the scene is supposed to be fast paced because its a holdup at a bank, fast motion lines and dramatic effect when Moonlite points his gun at the banker after kicking open the door.

Scene 4 'Scott and Nesbitt in prison'

Working with the camera transitions in the scene for creating a background.

The Red boxes show the cameras points of movement in the scene. Each Red box is 1920 x 1080px dimensions.

The Green box shows the complete area that the background needs to fill. This Green box has the overall dimensions of the areas used by the previous Red boxes, which is

Scene 5 'Flashback hard times'


The final scene 7 'Nesbitt's death' 

(not my scene but good discussion on what works well with the overall pacing)

This scene works he best because of the pacing such as scene timing and sequencing, also scene layout.

Action becomes intense as this couple are fighting, as shown they are ruthless to escape, but when James Nesbitt gets shot the pacing changes suddenly, James Nesbitt falls back in slow motion and in front of his lover Captain Moonlite (Andrew George Scott).

The pacing transition remains slow as Captain Moonlite greaves for his loss and holds his dead companion and lover James Nesbitt.

This helps to convey the overarching theme of an emotional struggle against the law and two lovers trying to survive on the run.

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