Friday, November 24, 2017

LAUAN503 - Research Task - 'Media pros and cons' - Telling Tales (2 blogs)

Media pros and cons - Research Task

The 'Process' and 'techniques' (steps taken to achieve) for the animation 2D digital animation medium used for this group project, using digital media for production, potentials and limitations. 

Using digital 2D animation for our medium the process as a group had to be managed like any other medium, with different roles depending on particular talents, ability and style. 

The potentials for 2D digital media as a 'process' are that it can be easily learned, because everyone in the group has experience drawing 2D and using 2D digital media through drawing on a graphics tablets or even from traditional drawing but learning digital hardware.
Despite the fact everyone has different styles for drawing, digital 2D media offers easy ways for editing and more accurately producing work. Character designs can be refined and changed easily through concept art because of how easily appliable digital media is, for example colouring in detailed line drawings using layers.

The limitations for 2D digital media as a 'process' are that it is probably one of the most time consuming forms for animating, each frame needs to be individually drawn and coloured, not to mention shading and texture but also that most animations are required to be a 24fps, meaning long animations take months to process and even years in the industry.

The potentials for 2D digital media as a 'technique' are that it is simple and less complex, 2D involves less technology and software and hence it is easier to produce when compared to 3D, without any requirement for tutorials and procedures for production using different software, most animators are familiar with 2D digital as their starting point in animation.

The Limitations for 2D digital media as a 'technique' are that sometimes individual styles for drawing and designing create problems in the development stage, when group individuals will need to adjust to a particular technique of drawing that might not be theirs and they will have to adjust which might be challenging, slowing the production stage of the animation.

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