Friday, November 24, 2017

LAUAN503 - Cinematography Research (Blog 1)

Cinematography Research

Framing and composition, the bad sleep well (1960) the geometry of a scene.
Dutch angle, camera angle. Lighting is a really important special effect (storyboards, colour script).

(films of note)
Hugo graphic novel, research.
Stani cubic 1975.

Why the angle matters, storyboarding, communicate today with animation group (Friday 13th) about shot frame, layout, expressionism, enhance the narrative and story! Perhaps use One Piece anime screenshots examples.

Blog about decision making with frame shots on storyboard and ideas behind.

'One Piece' anime scene, Low camera angle showing that the attacker is coming from above. The surreal look that a fish-eye lens brings to architecture and landscapes can be captured for dramatic effect. 

This is another example screenshot from 'One Piece' showing that warped perspective for 'old school' stylish anime cartoons.

'Black dynamite' western adult swim cartoon chase scene, Dutch angle used to describe confusion in a character and dramatic environment of the background.

'The Incredibles' 3D animated film, Mid shot, viewers can see the characters' faces more clearly as well as upper body for interaction with other characters.

'The Lion King' Disney 2D film, focusing on the centred characters, Timon and Pumbaa, Close up shot between the lion characters legs, and more importantly a Low angle making a character look more powerful. This can make the audience feel vulnerable and small by looking up at the character.

An eye-level angle puts the audience on an equal footing with the character/s. This is the most commonly used angle in most films as it allows the viewers to feel comfortable with the characters.

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