Wednesday, February 21, 2018

LAUAN504 Task 2 - Competition - Character Experimentation

Character Experimentation

Researching character design, reading Creative Character Design Bryan Tillman
Characters using archetypes and design elements such as shadows and line with the tips and techniques, Bryan Tillman explains technique of drawing characters and the theory of good character design by using case studies.

Functionality of the character, "form follows function" -'no matter how cool a design looks, it should always look like it would work'

Trial and error, sketching and drawing is an important element, one that I need to improve on, 'sometimes you need to know when to walk away form the design'

(group related imagery)

Hannah Sessler's character experimentation artwork

Creating 'doll' like character designs, that appeal to a younger audience, these blocked out and rounded characters are easier to squash and stretch, mostly with motion lines. These are features of more contemporary character design.

Designing the character silhouette first and basing the design from basic rounded shapes and clumpy features.
Hannah Sessler's character experimentation artwork
Adding detail, outlines, developing the outfit along with the character.

Hannah Sessler's character experimentation artwork

Bach Do's character silhouette 

(we are looking at AGE RANGE of Ages 0-4 to Ages 5-8 character design)

Silhouettes are important once the general shape has been created.
Recognisability is the fuel for iconic characters, arranging the overall silhouette that can describe my character design, with no other detail. Not breaking the "form follows function" rule.
This approach can also make multiple designs in a short amount of time, not focusing on detail, which I believe is my problem with character design.
I over complicate the design instead of looking into the overall look and outline, which is the most important element as I have realised.

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