Friday, February 9, 2018

LAUAN504 Task 2 - Competition - Researching the brief

Study Task 2 - Competition

Beginning - Choosing the TASK

The TASK is for a D&DAD or YCN competition involving group production on a particular chosen brief.

(brief info)
'There are two main practical elements within this brief that will be delivered seperately:
Competition; 09 February 2018 - You will be expected to engage with a competition brief set through D&AD or YCN, both of which are internationally recognised and respected foundations. You must work in teams of up to 3 people to identify a brief and propose your solution which must then be produced...

Documentary; 16 March 2018 - You will be expected to produce a documentary based animation in teams of up to 3 people or through negotiation as an individual, this must not be about yourself or any team member and should follow one of the following themes:
Sustainability, Science, History, Politics...'

I need to read through each brief and choose which one best suites me or that I will be most productive in.

I have decided to make notes based from the two briefs that interest me the most and what they would involve in terms of animating work and design.

Art Fund_
This is about advertising historical art with an animation, explaining how computers and technology  dominates our lives and reducing the creative mind. By breaking away from technology and finding a new source for inspiration in art museums, and discovering creativity we can find our roots and explore new creative spaces. (wound be done in traditional media to emphasise the aspect of using something other than digital technology, to make a point but would be very challenging)

An opportunity to try and interest a teenage aged audience and/or younger about museums and art galleries related with the offer in this advertisement brief.

To recreate a female BEANO character(s) for a new generation of children and contemporary cartoon theme, designing the character for modern emphasis in todays cartoon industry, resigning the original old BEANO character design from one of the comic series cartoons.

Most of the other groups seemed to have formed while I was still reading the brief options, then I found that everyone had pretty much decided with a few personally uninteresting briefs.
I almost successfully persuaded a few to partake in the Art Fund_ but not enough for a promising group. So I joined up with a BEANO group brief.

The Challenge - BEANO - D&AD brief
'Reimagine and evolve an existing female Beano character for a new generation.'

Female Characters:
Angel Face
Beryl the Peril
Billy the Cat (reimagined as a girl)
Secret Agent Sally
The Belles of St Lemons

'Then bring your updated designs to life through a short, narrative animation, bringing new stories and exciting new perspectives to an established and well-loved character. All illustration and animation styles are welcomed. Be innovative, and don’t be constrained by what’s seen as ‘the norm’ for kids’ entertainment.'

'The Character Breakdown in your brief pack will help you get to know your character'... When I joined my group the team was already working on character design. So I was dedicated to background and environmental design.

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