Wednesday, January 23, 2019

LAUAN603 - Experimentation - Colour schemes

I thought I might include these coloured concepts, from Alex Thomas in my class, we briefly collaborated to design a refined animatic, taking into account the lighting effects, here are his ideas for the colour scheme:

I really liked his character layout.

This is the colour scheme so far, I am only considering using minimal lighting effects over a majority of grey scale:

This would be a good time to point out how, throughout my research into animated music videos, most of the colouring is very graphical and dark, or minimal, or non at all. So this decision to use grey scale and contrasting bold colouring would directly relate to my researched themes.

I was uploading this Character concept art to my social media and I added this filter over the top of the drawing, I really like it and now I am looking into a kind of filtering that I could overlay my animation, that wold be a great possibility to reduce colouring workload but also look really good if pulled off.

Character colouring:

Because of these colourful backlight and spot lights, combined with dark backgrounds, I need to consider the effect on the character colouring. The colours will most likely be a tinted tone or mix of stage lighting, with expressive lighting on the exaggerated designed characters.

Testing some stage spot lighting colour variations to suite each character:

Here I am considering the bold colouring from the stage lighting, this is development:

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