Friday, May 4, 2018

LAUAN504 Study Task 3 - Documentary - Character design

Character designs and concepts 

These are our group character T-pose designs for Captain Moonlites documentary animation. 

Based form historical imagery and references, we discussed the character designs, which was a straightforward task based on the principles that this is an animated documentary.
We decided on quirky cartoon like characteristics with slight realistic features for setting the tone of the animation, for the target audience.
The cartoony elements are associated with the large head and slightly exaggerated form for characters James Nesbitt and Scott aka Capt Moonlite, but the clothing and postures are accurately portrayed.

Character design influences the audience the most I feel, then the background design and then the audio, terms of what appeals first. Character design is most important for the audience.

James Nesbitt is drawn up as thin and top heavy, formal clothing from the time period and detailed long face for expression. Expression is key for this animation for expressing emotions and occurrences between the characters easily, best to have a large face for conveying the most recognisable traits for expression. 

James Nesbitt by Eloise

Scott has a plumper body, overall rounded character with a beard covering most his face, slightly shorter also, with more formal clothing than his partner James Nesbitt. This is to suggest Scott is the importance out of the two in terms of plot and following.

Scott by Eloise

Below are concepts designs for each character, just drawing ideas and refining the two designs before creating the T-poses above.

James Nesbitt by Eloise
James Nesbitt has his long thin posture, long legs and chin. There are some variations for his clothing also here, formal and tattered. Tattered after the fight scenes and changes in his clothing through the duration of the animation.

Scott by Eloise

Short and bulky Scott and a tattered clothing version below it.

Scott by Eloise
Scott's facial expressions, more subtle overall because of the beard and bushy eyebrows, so we thought of enhancing the cartoony vibe and comical expression, with the large eyes and mouth for happiness and anger, more sadness, for the animation referencing.

Jame's facial expressions are easier to express, with a nice long face and qwerty features. Still using the comical eyes though.

Scott and James Nesbitt by Eloise

Scott and James Nesbitt by Eloise

This is a concept piece that incorporates the most comical expressions between the tow characters.§

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