Friday, December 16, 2016

Study Task - Environmental Storytelling

Visit 2 spaces, these should be one an interior, the other an exterior space or place. Then required to produce 5-10 drawings that respond to each of the spaces. 

It is not only characters that can tell stories but also the environments and spaces that character exist. 

Leeds City Museum 


I have you chosen to draw Leeds City Museum because it is one of leeds historical building with very intricate architectural detail and also it is very colourful with loads of pattern and golden features in the brick and sculpture work.

It interests me because of its exhibits but most of all the architecture and large victorian windows to make use of with my colouring and sketched line work using water soluble colouring pencils for texture and graphite for tonnage. 

This observational drawing is based on the front entrance of the building, in the cold of November the stone seemed darker because of the overcast weather with the festive market begging to attract the people, there was the smell of fried food and burgers mixed with a few candy stalls.

This drawing uses light of the paper because of the rough texture through smudging on paper and plain media for that open stone and grainy feel I was trying to achieve, more media and graphite was uses on the worn stone work like the stairs and places with shadow. The perspective that we sat positioned at the entrance moved the front light poles slightly right of the entrance, also I wanted the perspective to make it like the building was towering slightly over us with larger ornaments and detail above us on the roof.

This interior space 

This exhibit inside the museum interested us because of the different props in the room and the design was also featuring the theme of ancient greece. This section of the museum was also of interest to me because I thought the media used would create a nice effect in representing the texture of the stone pillars and exhibits. The black ink worked well because it captured the detail but also created texture when water is brushed on to smudge the ink with a nice texture and tonnage effect. Later on I added more black ink but I painted on to create more shadow, but I don't think this worked out because the colour of ink varied compared to the pen.

This could be a fitting environment for generating some storytelling devices. Although not fitting for the character I have in mind.

Why have you chosen to draw there? 

What are you expecting to see, what is of interest to you? 

This composition is one of the more colourful, using watercolours to create a bright array of texture and to show the separate elements that make up this room and form the tonnage in a kind of abstract design. The detail is added with pen, outlining the shape and colour segments of the painting.

This medium I think best shows this room because of the bright painting on the walls because of the lighting and the colourful floor design, the watercolours can create capture the design with subtle colour changes and the curvature in the centre.

This drawing is a sketch of the Leeds City Museum building side in an attempt to capture the detailed architecture and design. 

This  angle interests me because of how the Victorian style windows are aligned across the end with a variety of detail and design.

The front of Leeds City Museum is first sketched with pen and added water to create the texture and tonnage around the structure. This angle was quite tricky for me to work with, but I liked the positioning of the trees and light poles around the entrance.

The composition features elements of detail in the stone work of the Museum and opn areas that convey smooth surfaces or the glass in the large windows, using the water to slightly smudge the line work to create the tonnage.

This illustration is the basement for my character design.

The I used a particular medium technique to illustrate the separate elements of the composition, the iconic figure of leeds, the golden owl statue and pillar in the centre of attention as the foreground and use of grey colouring water soluble pencils to create a more distant style design of background, use of pencil tonnage for shadow and texture also achieves this background effect. 

This relates to my character's backstory and can be classed as a storytelling device. The icon is famous/infamous for being the symbol of leeds and the focus of attention and my basis for the character I have created.

Leeds royal armories drawing is based from the side of the building and features pencil sketch type media with finger smudging purposely used on the walls for texture of smooth concrete and shape. Bold line work, outlining the building structural features and around the windows. 

Frontal illustration of the Leeds royal armories building, using pencil and colouring pencils to construct a sketch design, then media was used to implement the texture and colour with watercolours. The colouring pencils used are water soluble so they created shading and tonnage around the construct lines, outlines and around corners and edges.

The media I feel works well for the glass windows and represent the actual colouring on the day I visited, that's why the colour depth varies, this is also based on my angle (position).

Interior view of the Leeds Royal Armories horse and knight centre piece statue in the over the main hallway.
This is of interest to me because of the marble stone work and sculpting, I can represent this through my use of media being wax crayons. 

In this drawing I sketch the outlines with black then create the filler of white crayon and overlapping the black and purposely smudging to create texture of the smooth marble design and also the tonnage design around the feet of he horse and open windows along the wall of the hall.  

This media is realise was really good for representing the lighting bouncing off the walls, and creating the texture of the stone wall. The shape of the knight and horse is defined through tonnage beaches the wall and statue are both white materials of stone. This can be used on the detail of the riders armour and the horses body pose, (body design) and shape.

The interior of the Leeds royal armories building 

The interior of the Leeds royal armories building 

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