Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Study Task 5 - Form, Flow and Force

Produce another three blog posts that explore life drawing/ the human form in an animation context.

1. Rhythm is a Dancer
Drawings that explore someone flowing through a space. At least 12-18 poses and each pose should last approximately 10 Seconds. Considering the choice of media, all featuring Charcoal, Graphite Sticks, Dip Pens and Ink.

2. Like a Puppet on a String 
Squashing-stretching, expanding and contracting movements aiming to get at least 12 poses and each pose should last approximately 10 Seconds. With a limited amount of time to capture the essence of the figure,  thinking about rhythm, direction, shape and the flow of the individual.

3. Push it!
Four drawings that capture the essence of your model pushing or pulling against an object. Considering the arcs and forms that flow through a body, think about weight and density of line, drawing directional force and forceful shapes. 

4. Strike a Pose
Produced poses that consider shape, form and weight in the model. Thinking about viewpoint perspective, foreshortening, shape, rhythm, texture and media choice.

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