Sunday, December 3, 2017

LAUAN503 - Study Task 3 - Strike a Pose!

LAUAN503 - Study Task 3 - Strike a Pose

'This study task will build upon previous lectures and assist in developing your practical understanding of acting, reference and character.'

Through this study task I have developed my skills and strengths in Maya based from my introduction tasks in 1st year, through technique and refining previously learned abilities and I have become more confident using the 3D software, this is also prompting me to maybe animate on Maya for future projects.

There are aspects that I would like to explore further if I get the chance, I would like to create my own characters in Maya and animate them and find out what my own ideas are like to produce in 3D animation rather than my comfort zone which is 2D digital.

Using this Moom model as a starting point for 3D animation on Maya was relatively fun, at least the posing elements. Animation for me is the next step in the course, and poses a challenge because I struggled with converting the posing values across accurately, but I believe we will focus on that in future study tasks.

Process working Maya Moom model


Select a control and translate or rotate your character to the requires position (in 1 axis)

Control pannel

Using the panels, by pressing space bar shows Facial panel so that I am able to edit the characters expression.

Each of my 5 moom poses features a different type of light, lighting colour or placement to help show the motive states in the render view.

Pose - Exhaustion pose - Moom

Pose - Tiredness pose - Moom

Pose - Bravado pose - Moom

Pose - Happiness pose - Moom

Pose - Hunger pose - Moom