Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Studio Brief 1 - Set, Series, Sequence

Image Development Sequence

Produced a sequence of 6-12 images to tell a short visual narrative. It should be simple and to the point. Write down your your narrative and then visualise it.

Two character images
Characters expression and reactions to scenes in the short narrative, using lines to form texture and to represent detail and shape outlines, the composition is structured to show the various character poses and development, the media is traditional and digital using pen and a graphics tablet to illustrate the tonnage and line work to show line and basic bold colouring.  

Three scene and character images
Action scene imagery and character expression, the lighting tonnage and line basic line work helps the character development because I begin to capture the design of the camels form and shape. 


This drawing is the front of the character carrying a heavy load, I have sketched this image because this might be used in the final short narrative. The camel is weighed down with all the items and goods on his back and could collapse any moment on those weak legs!

Imagery of character expression, he is reacting to various scenarios in the short narrative, the aspects that I like and I feel have developed in the previous images is the camels facial features and how they react in an expression, with the cheeks and eye brows but also the entire jaw line which has significant influence on the entire face depending on how wide open it is.

Drawing down the narrative and visualising it through the segments like a storyboard, having determined all the imagery in previous development, I have been visualising the narrative and begun to illustrate the images in cell formation like a storyboard. Making use of spacing for typical images that communicate feelings or emotions because I'm aiming to communicate all the narrative through the imagery without any text.  

This is worked up on the Animation A3 Storyboard sheet and completely describes the process of the plot throughout this short narrative with use of digital pen lines for 'action lines' subjecting the next cell of the narrative with description of the camera and character movement.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Studio Brief 1 - Visual Research 

Quickly responding (but not rush) to the word developing a range of visual research for production. 

Generated ideas from quick research that explores a range of images metaphorically and literally, which are based around the word Shopping Trolley.

The chosen idea for the storyboard is the comical use for a camel in an ancient arabic market place, the story uses the camel as they walk through the market, piling more items and random stuff on his back like a trolley. The camel has a piled high mountain of stuff on his back and by the end and he collapses in a comical stance because of the weight.

Exploring the chosen image (character) and developing the characteristics and expressions with some drawings of his head from different angles and in relation to his body and length of his neck. Trying to develop the design of his head was difficult but once i had determined the length of his mussel and nose i could experiment with facial features and expression using pencil sketches. 

In cartoon animation by preston Blair, i found a good idea to represent my 'shopping cart' word, a camel that could be used as a shopping cart in ancient times to carry items and goods of trade. This book has some interesting cartoon animal designs which influenced me to create my own character